Every day carry choice and why?

As I look back at my professional work as a United States Marine, local, state and federal law enforcement officer and PMT; PMC and ETT for the U.S. State Department; during these roles, I have carried and used may weapons.  As such, I grew up around weapons. In fact, the first weapon I shot at the age of three was a M1-30MM carbine in the mountains of Lake Tahoe.

My father was a special forces operator in the Army and the Marine Corps and OSI, along with having an extensive profession in law enforcement as well.  So you might say that the roles came naturally.  All of my family has served our nation in one capacity or another, either in the military or law enforcement.

As a young Marine, we carried the M-9 Italian made Beretta and the M-16.  I carried the M-16 A-2 as well.  While on board the USS Eisenhower, we were certified on various weapons as well along with Infantry training school weapons qualifications. Infantry Marines are qualified to carry and or use a large variety of weapons systems.

In today’s age of technology, our systems of weapons have come a long way, but I choose to carry a weapon which has never given me any issues or problems.  I also use a particular dry lubricant and wet cleaner all in one on my EDC, which greatly enhances the functioning of my weapon.  Tec-Shield Elite lubricant and cleaner in one; is by far the best weapons cleaner and lubricant on the market today.

I personally carry a Glock 17 Gen 4.  Glock weapons are easy to maintain and one of the best weapons for military, law enforcement and EDC use.  Some may ask why I carry the 9MM.  I carry the 9MM because shot placement is what matters.  If a lawful person carrying a weapon has to use deadly force to protect themselves or their family, shot placement is what you want.  I have found that firing a 9MM is what fits my tactical abilities.

When looking for a good weapon to carry every day, one should consider their abilities and also find a reputable firearms trainer.  I would highly recommend looking on the NRA website to find trainers in your area or go to your local law enforcement agency and ask for a reputable trainer.  There are good trainers and bad so be careful with your choice.

In today’s society, with the criminal element that we have.  One must legally carry a weapon for their own protection.  I would rather have a well-trained concealed weapons permit holder in line with me at the store, if all hell breaks loose and a “thug” robs the place.  You never know what may happen in your every day travels and its best to be prepared for the unexpected than becoming a victim, because you didn’t take matters in to your own hands to protect your own life.   Continue reading

Law Enforcement.. The good bad and ugly

As I look back at the times I have personally had in the job.  I can’t help but to reflect on all the good and bad times.  From the start of this course, I have reflected back to times which were great which helped me continue and keep my perspective in the job.  I will continue to blog on this topic and I will also continue to take the time to reflect on a daily bases in order to continue to grow.

L.E. The good bad and ugly

I believe that prejudice even more so today has a larger impact on the way law enforcement officer’s actually do there job today.  Today, some are scared to do their job in attempt to not look as if they are prejudice.  Not just with white officer’s but with black officer’s too.  I think this is a problem and will continue to be a problem, until the public is educated enough to realize that not all officers are bad.  But most kids at an early age are taught not to trust people behind the badge.

Germany Vs. United States of America

Although the United States is a great country to live in, I would prefer to live in a country with less government involvement. In the United States, it used to be a privilege and a patriotic deed or duty to get into politics in order to serve your fellow citizen. But now professional politicians are using the offices of the United States Congress and Senate as a long term job. In Germany, it appears that the people really have more say as to what goes on in their government.
Germany has a parliamentary government and a strong socialist society. The Bundestag also represents from the federal level the state governments. In this form, I believe that the federal government might just have the citizen’s best interest in mind. Although, the Bundestag enacts legislation, it has many other roles.
The Bundestag also elects its German Chancellor who is the head of the German executive branch. I believe that because of the Bundestag’s involvement in this process it not only enables citizens to be more involved with their democratic of voting. The Bundestag is also a forum for public debate. Debating time is given to groups to debate their rights to select programs which will and could benefit local communities.
Another role of the Bundestag is to scrutinize the government. Members or deputies during “question hour” are given the opportunity to ask questions of the most powerful party in the government. The Bundestag also has a strong set of legislative committees. These committees strengthen the oversight roles. They balance the policy of their federal agencies.
The Bundestag has oversight powers in a legislative parliamentary system of government. Their committees have time to review make recommendations based upon legislation being passed. In our form of government, bills have been passed with our politicians reading or reviewing the bills. Which in my humble opinion, shows that some of our political elite are out for their own best interest? It leads the educated citizen to think that our government interest is with a single vote which is passed and cast just for monetary gain. In our government we have so many interest groups which have large amounts of funds which give to our Politicians as a legal means of “bribery”. After the groups give the money, our Politicians cast their vote based upon the interest of the corporation. This makes the educated citizen in America uneasy and UN-trusting of our government’s real reason for taking office.
There is no perfect government in the world, but our government oversight is in need of some true checks and balances. Because of this reason, I believe that living in a more active citizen government may benefit our citizens in the U.S. Our government was formed by our forefathers with rights to all citizens in mind. Throughout the years bureaucrats have been able to manipulate our constitution to benefit their needs and the needs of their parties. We need a more citizen based form of government which is what our founders past down to us in trust.


The Threat of Stereotype by: Joshua Aronson explains that stereotypical behavior is a problem in schools, which need to be addressed now and not later. It shows that studies have been done where white, black and Latino students all have the same abilities. It shows that the teachers are an important factor in the educational process. Teachers who are aware of the stereotypes of others are more successful at getting students to succeed.
Stereotype threat makes students anxious and in turn makes them perform poorly. When a stress test was given, before the test, black and white students were advised that the test was only to evaluate their capability and problem solving. In this experiment the test results were the same. In the second experiment they told the students that they were not interested in testing their abilities. The second test resulted in much higher scores because the humiliation of the
stereotype was not involved.
The article shows a direct act by the cabdrivers’ effort to avoid any physical or physiological stereotypical behavior of his patrons. In response to the September 11th World Trade Center attacks, he put up patriotic signs in his cab in an attempt to show his patrons that just because he is Muslim, it doesn’t mean that he agrees with or sympathizes with terrorist acts. However, due to the cabdriver’s appearance and known Muslim faith, he still lost revenue.
The reading has examples such as the stereotype that all Jewish people have money which automatically puts the author Joshua Aronson, in a difficult position. He has to not only explain himself, but has to defend a whole ethnic group. This type of stereotypical behavior is not only offensive to him, but puts him at odds with the question: “If I don’t make the offer to pay then the realtor will automatically assume that all Jews are stingy.” And on the other hand, if he pays, will it not support the stereotype that he tried to resolve.
I agree with and liked the article because it shows a direct association between stereotypes and biases. Teachers need to be aware of stereotypes and make an effort to evaluate themselves in order to create an environment without bias. On the same note, teachers have to be sensitive enough to know when students are stereotyping each other. The following are ways to avoid bias behavior: teachers can question boys and girls equally during question and answer secession, examine your own cultural background in order to understand the different backgrounds of your students and intervene when you hear a student speaking negatively about another students background.
Stereotypical behavior is clearly a problem in schools which needs to be addressed. It is not just the parents or the schools, the poverty level of students or even the possible low expectations of the learners. Teachers ought to be taught that everyone is biased. But just because you might be biased doesn’t mean that you as a professional should allow your biased or stereotypical behavior to affect your students.

Aronson, J. (2004). The Threat of Stereotype. Educational Leadership, 62(3), p. 14

My Holy Grail

There are many ways in which a person can explore and go on a quest for their destiny, moral compass or just plain old, “why are we here”. In this essay I will explain my own quest for the “holy grail” which in my humble opinion; is a quest for your own personal reason of being on this earth.
Throughout my travels I have found that no matter where you are in the world, people are in search of what matters to them. I have found through my own personal experience that my “holy grail” is to help people in one way or another. However, I have found that there are some people who will refuse your help, or are just too proud to except it. In my short forty years on this earth I have been in two war zones for reasons which were explained to me as being knightly. To help the ones who can’t help themselves. In those times of my life, even though I was able to gain knowledge and help in one way or another, I was still not satisfied with my own fulfillment in the “quest”.
I am a former Marine who in some since identifies with knightly hood, not only for my military service, but I am also a Mason. In the teachings of both hard reaching brotherhoods, I have found myself dreaming of a “holy grail”. But I believe in my heart that the “holy grail” is within us all. We just have to apply ourselves and stay on a moral and righteous compass in order to get on and stay on the correct path chosen for our lives.
In the case of Excalibur, I believe that we all look for a sword with powers, a token which will help in our search, but I strongly think that only the enlightened will truly find and keep their destiny on this earth until they meet their maker. When a man or women is enlightened and truly works for others without a thank you or monetary gain; then a person will truly be tested in their resolve. We all only have one life to live. We must embrace this and find what drives our inner soul toward piece, strength and power within.

Nature Vs. Nurture

While both nature and nurture have the potential to impact the development of human-nature; the strongest influence on physical, cognitive and psychosocial development. “This biological equipment, in turn is heavily shaped by a person’s genotype. (Gleitman, Gross, Reisberg).
Physical development is perhaps the simplest example of the influences of nature and nurture. Take height for example. In looking to family members, one can easily see the impact of genetics on a person’s height. Parents of above-average height are more likely to have children of above-average height. Height is not immune from the affects of environment. In poverty stricken areas; children deprived of nutrients may not reach their full physical potential.
Cognitive development is also more strongly influenced by nature, as can be seen in a person’s intelligence. Environmental factors may play a role in the development of one’s intelligence; such as when someone is raised in a poor area. The controlling factor in this instance is genetics. Someone born to parents of low intelligence is more likely to exhibit low intelligence.
The argument between nature and nurture is more complex when looking at psychosocial development. Drug abuse is a problem encountered in low income areas. A person raised “without” is more likely to experiment, however not everyone who uses drugs will become addicted. Only people with the genetic predispositions will actually abuse drugs.
While both nature and nurture play a specific role in physical, cognitive, and psychosocial development, nature is the controlling factor in all three.
Gross, James J., PH. D H. 11. Reisberg, Daniel. Daniel (2010), Psychology, Castle House.

Physical fitness/feel better!!

Although I have pain in my body, I work through the pain and I find that once I’m back where my body wants and needs to be physically, the pain is no longer an issue. I have no excuses, because most of my issue has been just pure and simple just holding back because of time restraints and job, family, and other obligations. At this point of my life, I have more time and my physical fitness has grown because of that fact. It all boils down to time management for me and juggling my schedule. Glad I have the time management skills at this point to do what I want and need to have mental and physical body awareness…. P.s. Chiropractic services have helped out tremendously for the pain.

United States Marine for Life

How we were Forged!!! As I look back in remembrance today, I attribute my honor, duty and commitment to the three men at Parris Island who helped make me the man I am today. Thanks Gents. Semper Fi. Eight days and the birthday for all brothers and sisters will be celebrated for the long unbroken history of our Corps. (Always Faithful).